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Structural Chiropractic Vs. Traditional Chiropractic

Charlotte NC Chiropractor Helps Patient With Migraine Headaches

Traditional Chiropractors focus on goals like decreasing muscular spasms, increasing range of motion, and reducing pain. This is how most Chiropractors practice, and I believe most of them are great at what they do, however that falls under the umbrella of symptom relief/management.

Structural Chiropractic

Here at Clearview Family Chiropractic we think of your spine structurally. If I can use a simple analogy to explain; think of your spine kind of like the foundation of a building. If the foundation is off, you would expect the floors to creak, the windows to get stuck and the walls would eventually start to crack right? Now you could spend a lot of time patching and repairing all the damage, but you would be doing so with the expectations that this is a short term fixes that you will have to do over and over again or you should because these are just secondary issues, and you are not fixing the primary cause of the condition (the foundation).  Far too often we see this in the realm of Chiropractic care where people just go in for a “quick fix” and suddenly instead of achieving true correction, we are relying on chiropractic like a natural (and sometimes expensive) aspirin.

When was the last time you saw x-rays of your spine?

Get Back to Normal!

Rather than constantly repairing the damage, here at Clearview Family Chiropractic, we have chosen to fix the underlying “foundation” and help your spine regain it normal structure.

Of course our services are not for everyone. However, if you are tired of constantly patching your problems and you are looking for a long term solution that you can both feel and see for yourself, then Clearview Family Chiropractic could just be the right place for you.  Once we have corrected your foundation we will then teach you how to maintain it through customized recommendations designed specifically for your spine, to ensure the problem does not come back.